Membuka file Rar / Extract File Under Linux

Debian Linux
# apt-get install unrar

If you are using Fedora core Linux then use yum command as follows, use:
# yum install unrar

If you are using FreeBSD, use:
# pkg_add -v -r unrar

tapi kalo this methods is not working for you, tenang ada cara ampuh hehehe :
download file rar nya : disini

Untar filenya
$ tar -zxvf rarlinux-3.7.1.tar.gz

Copy rar and unrar to /usr/bin directory:
# cp rar unrar /usr/bin

(kalo ada keterangan omitting directory : sudo chmod 777 dulu filenya)

How to use unrar

Begini caranya
Task: To open rar (unpack) file in current directory type command:
$ unrar e file.rar

Please note that replace file.rar filename with your actual filename.
Task: List (l) file inside rar archive:
$ unrar l file.rar

Task: To extract (x) files with full path type command:
$ unrar x file.rar

(D) To test (t) integrity of archive, file type command:
$ unrar t file.rar

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